Diet For Your Teeth

Food For Your Teeth

Good vs Bad


In my younger years, I never spent much time thinking about teeth. More recently I assumed my good diet would keep me free from cavities for my entire life. Yet the glass of my limited beliefs was shattered the day my spouse and I observed that our one-year-old daughter had a small, light-brown spot on the top of her front tooth. I wasn’t sure if the spot was a cavity or not.

Days, weeks, and even then months went by. To our horror, the spot continued to grow and other teeth also began discolouring. As a natural-healthcare-oriented parent, who protects my daughter from chemical exposure in the forms of processed junk foods and western drugs, I was extremely concerned at the thought of taking my precious little girl to a dentist for drilling and filling.

The typical dental treatment prescribed for young children with many cavities involves surgery and general anesthesia. Since I wished to void traumatic anesthesia and surgery for my daughter as well as the option of having her teeth pulled, I was left with one chose, find the real cause of her cavities and stop them.

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